Sponsor Spotlight: ZippyKid

We are grateful to have ZippyKid as our Cruiser level sponsor for WordCamp Milwaukee 2013! ZippyKid specializes in hosting businesses on WordPress, with such well-known and high-profile clients as Reuters, CareerBuilder, Kangol and the McGraw-Hill companies.

ZippyKid was founded by Vid Luther in May of 2010 in southern, sunny San Antonio, Texas. While having an abundance of management experience in website hosting, Vid started seeing the complication and frustration that customers of all sizes were facing with their hosting company and he knew there had to be a better solution, a better way to treat customers. “I was tired of the way hosting companies were treating small business owners… started ZippyKid, where I could dictate the quality of service and offering.”

ZippyKid offers reliable, secure and cost-effective web hosting solutions that keep your website up and running. Our standard features include CDN, malware scanning, firewall protection, SSL, daily backups, and more. With ZippyKid, your website will load faster on our platform, that means more sales/inquiries and SEO for you. We keep your WordPress install up to date, we monitor and block attackers, and we un-hack your site, if the attacker gets through. Our customers go on national TV shows all the time, we make sure their audience can meet them online afterwards.

ZippyKid can host your business for just $25 per month.

Thanks, ZippyKid!